Ever wonder what HRT does when the temperature goes over 98 dg F? That’s body temperature. Much too hot to weedwack and cut down invasive trees. When it’s that hot, Alex Cabrera finds jobs that are wet.
Winter time flooding dumps debris that pollute The Cosumnes and we need to deal with that.
Lots of little stuff washes downriver and we need to deal with that. The floods churn up cans, bottles, sharp metal objects, barbed wire, etc. etc. and it all has to come out.
Hot summer days stimulate the growth of exotic water plants so we haul them out to dry on the river banks. This lets the nutrients locked up in their tissues return to the habitat without the competition of the aliens that took the nutrients.
Nobody on the team complains about paddling a canoe in search of alien water plants.
Actually, nobody complains about working the hot days because we know that Alex will take good care of us.