Special Recreation Permit

If you are an individual or organized group that would like to plan a recreational activity (group hike, paddle, etc.), special event, or utilize the Preserve for commercial or financial gain, you must have a Special Recreation Permit and/or attain a Letter of Agreement. Please reach out to our Recreation Specialist at: hillma@saccounty.gov

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a Special Recreation Permit (SRP)?

You will need an SRP if you are using the Preserve for: commercial use, financial gain, competitive use, organized group activity or event, or vending. Refer to this document for a definition of each: Do I need a Special Recreation Permit?

Are there any fees for the permit?

Depending on which category your event aligns with as laid out on the document above, you will need to pay a fee. Fees are detailed on this document: Special Recreation Permit Fees. If we determine that you only need a Letter of Agreement, a fee may not be required.

How do I apply for the SRP?

Please reach out to our Recreation Specialist at: Hillma@saccounty.gov for your pre-application consultation. We will discuss your activity or event and determine next steps. If an SRP is required, you will fill out this application. Find the step-by-step timeline here: Permit Process Diagram.

How long will it take for me to find out if my permit was approved?

We recommend you begin this process at least 1 month in advance of your proposed activity/event. It generally takes us 3-4 weeks to review and approve or deny the permit.

Research Permit

Conservation science and education are important to the Cosumnes River Preserve Partners. Many researchers and college-level instructors ask to use Preserve land each year. In order to ensure these activities further CRP goals, do not unacceptably impact the natural resources, and do not conflict with each other, CRP staff require each researcher to apply for and obtain a research permit before conducting the desired activities.

Who needs a research permit?

You need a research permit if you:

  • want to conduct research in areas of CRP that are closed to public access (including areas adjacent to public trails)
  • want to collect anything (water, soil, vegetation, or animal samples) from any part of CRP whether publicly accessible or not
  • want to lead a field trip for postsecondary education (e.g., college, university, conferences, professional training, or professional society) in areas of CRP that are closed to public access

What types of research are eligible for a permit?

CRP staff grant research permits for projects that will help inform our management goals. We have supported the vast majority of applications, but please remember that we take a large number of interacting factors into account, and cannot guarantee approval.

How do I apply for a research permit?

  • Download and read the CRP Research Policies document and ensure you can adhere to the requirements.
  • Download and fill out the Access Permit Application document above the solid black line.
  • Download the Liability Waver document, read, print page 2, and sign. Scan it to PDF or JPG.
  • Download and fill out the Narrative Template form.
  • If you plan to collect anything, download and fill out the Collection Permit above the solid black line.
  • Submit all forms as email attachments to ssweet@tnc.org  Questions regarding the permit process may also be directed to Sara Sweet at this address or at 916-683-1767.

What happens next?

Sara Sweet or the appropriate CRP staff member will reply to your email confirming receipt of the application and requesting any additional information if necessary. Please allow a couple of weeks to complete this information-gathering phase. After the application is complete, allow two weeks for full execution by the Preserve Manager.

Access Permit   Collection Permit   CRP Access Narrative Sample   Release Form   Research Policies