Once a year, The Habitat Restoration Team (HRT) takes a day out of its crowded schedule to review the herbicide safety requirements required by the various government agencies that we report to.
We do this in the winter because:
1) herbicide applications are ineffective during that season,
2) we can’t get into the field to apply the herbicide in the winter,
3) we can’t do much of anything else with The Preserve under water.
Typically a TNC staff member (read that, Alex Cabrera) or a BLM staff member (read that Mark Ackerman) teaches this class because they are “certified” as legal applicators. The volunteers work under the liscence of these employees in addition to being trained by them. The class that they teach last the entire day and must be repeated every year.
Herbicide Safety Application
All of that is OK with the volunteers because, Alex provides a free breakfast snack and a real lunch. Actually, Alex’s wife Edith usually cooks the lunch. Thank you Edith. It was yummy.
Saturday’s class was attended by Robin, Tim, Paul, Jim, Mike, Vic, Jane, Jim, Greg, and Joe.