View Calendar
04/23/2023 8:30 am - 11:00 pm
Rancho Seco Recreation Area
Address: 14960 Twin Cities Rd, Herald, CA 95638

Come join us on a 4.5-mile walk along vernal pools at Rancho Seco Recreation Area. Cosumnes River Preserve docents will lead the way on a trail through vernal pools, which are part of a mitigation site for SMUD. Docents will be able to share the history of the property with you and also help in identifying the flora and fauna observed during the hike. Participants of this hike may also encounter a landscape blanketed with wildflowers. Wildlife can be spotted along the trail, in the sky, and also in the vernal pools.  This hike is a sight to see and highly recommended.  This walk will cover a fairly flat elevation trail, which consists of a rocky uneven path. The trail does not offer much cover and will leave participants out in the elements. Please come prepared with water, snacks, sunscreen, a hat, and layered clothing. The hike is open to all ages, but all participants should be of good enough physical ability to walk 5 miles. Hikes will meet at the Howard Ranch Trail Head at 8:30 a.m. and will depart promptly at 9:00 a.m. parking at Rancho Seco is $10 per vehicle and the hike is free of charge.


Guided Vernal Pool Walk at Rancho Seco Recreation Area